When you join CatComm’s Community Catalysts, you will join a dedicated group of people that each and every month are guaranteeing key strategic support to Rio’s favela communities in ways that generate asset-based community change locally and globally. There are a number of perks, too.*
*Special Perks for Community Catalysts
In the past, generous and talented supporters have donated art works, event tickets, and the mileage and accommodations for our Rio Raffle. Starting now, these and other opportunities will serve to recognize and thank our Community Catalysts, current volunteers and collaborators. We’ll be raffling treats amongst monthly donors throughout the year and will hold the Rio Raffle when we reach our goal of $5,000 in monthly donations.
If you become a Community Catalyst, rather than sending you general appeals, we’ll email you with important updates of interest to you, sharing our progress and how your contribution is making an impact. You’ll be able to choose any of the following types of communication:
- INSPIRATION. Personal updates from CatComm staff, relating small and large victories, testimonials and stories directly from favela organizers.
- DEEP ENGAGEMENT. CatComm is charting a forward path in its vision, bringing a potentially endless stream of opportunities for action, program, research and policy development. As we consider new approaches and collaborations, you can choose to participate, provide input and engage directly in new opportunities that arise.
- KNOWLEDGE. Research reports, essays, articles, chapters and entire books produced by members of the CatComm team and collaborators will be sent to you, when possible even prior to official publication.
- COMMUNITY ACTION. As we publish more and more lessons from favelas with community-building and community organizing strategies, we’ll make sure these come to your inbox to support your own efforts at community-building where you live.
- NETWORKING. You’ll be invited to CatComm-related events in your town–whether a happy hour among members of our network, a lecture by ED Theresa Williamson, or events we hear about through the extensive CatComm network.