CatComm Institutional Partnerships
December 2019—Catalytic Communities is excited to form many more institutional partnerships in this third phase of our life cycle, focused on developing and implementing demonstration projects that prove the potential of favelas as sustainable, self-managed communities.
We are actively looking for partners to help us meet this potential and fill the necessary gaps in the programming that we have developed with hundreds of favela-based organizational partners (see red areas below) as part of our three programs (RioOnWatch, the Sustainable Favela Network, and Favela Community Land Trusts).
Please review the below chart of general activities planned for 2020 and reach out to if you would like more details about the range of activities to support—or have proposals of your own that we can bring to our partner organizers across Rio de Janeiro’s favelas. Academic institutions, please view RioOnWatch‘s call for academic partners here.

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