Organized and convened by UN-Habitat, the World Urban Forum has become the foremost international gathering for exchanging views and experiences on sustainable urbanization in all its ramifications. The inclusive nature of the Forum, combined with high-level participation, makes it a unique United Nations conference and the premier international gathering on urban issues.
Catalytic Communities will be participating* in various events, represented by the coordinator of the Favela-CLT project, Tarcyla Fidalgo,** in partnership with Urbamonde, World Habitat and the CoHabitat Network.
CoHabitat Network: Systematizing community-led housing in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe: Introduction and Methodology. Location: Habitat Village***
Tarcyla Fidalgo will be available to present CatComm’s work with Rio’s favelas, distribute copies of the Favela-CLT 2021 Annual Report and generally meet with interested participants. Location: Habitat Village
Claiming and producing housing rights: cross-regional experiences from grassroots organizations and international networks (part 1). Location: Habitat Village
Community Land Trusts for affordable housing and against displacements, hosted by World Habitat. Location: Habitat Village
*All international travel by CatComm team members in 2022 is being offset through My Climate.
**Tarcyla Fidalgo is a lawyer. She has a Ph.D in Urban and Regional Planning from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Her research is focused on land tenure and community development, especially Community Land Trusts and their potential in the Global South. She is coordinator of CatComm’s Favela-CLT Program.
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