WNYC’s ‘On the Media’ Explores Reporting on Rio’s Favelas

WNYC’s ‘On the Media’ show and national NPR podcast, produced a must-listen piece for all journalists reporting on Rio about the challenges of reporting on favelas in national and international media. The episode features Vila Autódromo resident and activist Maria da Penha, Catalytic Communities Executive Director Theresa Williamson, Rio State Assembly vice president and crime show host Wagner Montes, Rocinha community journalist Michel Silva, and Complexo da Maré community journalist Thaís Cavalcante.

“The problem is coverage that talks as if violence is the only thing that happens here… This kind of coverage is used to affirm certain policies of the state towards us.” – Thaís Cavalcante

We’re thrilled the show highlights our Olympics Resources for Journalists, with its list of contact information for more than 50 favela community leaders among many other materials, and our Best and Worst Reporting analysis series.

Listen below, or on ‘On the Media’ here.