Why Buy a #RioRaffle Ticket?
2014 Rio Raffle
Last year we achieved incredible things because of your support.
Thanks to our 2013 Rio Raffle, Catalytic Communities has continued to shape the international debate on favelas by disseminating community perspectives and strengthening the field for active community participation.
2014 Highlights:

Next Up: Our Plans for 2015
In continuing to apply our 4-Prong Strategy of (1) Strategic training and networking favela activists with broad networks of support, (2) Broadly communicating the issues and values of the favela based on community perspectives, (3) Developing and proving the value of participatory planning methodologies; and (4) Advocating on behalf of inclusive, integrative and participatory policies; with your continued support in 2015 CatComm will:
- Establish a network of community correspondents in all five major zones of Rio, writing and producing video further documenting this challenging period for the city, which will be syndicated for republication through local and global partners.
- Grow RioOnWatchTV, our YouTube channel, with regular accompanying videos to RioOnWatch articles and investigative pieces.
- Expand our strategic communications work on behalf of favelas, taking our destigmatizing message of favela qualities and sustainability to global audiences through mass-reach mainstream media channels.
- More strategic workshops for communities about community organizing and participatory planning strategies, and ways to counter the negative effects of gentrification and evictions.
- Conduct and publish cutting edge research on Brazilian housing law, affordable housing alternatives, Rio policing, favela perceptions, and media responsibility.
Should we reach only a fraction of this goal, one or each of these programs will be scaled down as a result. Though the Rio Raffle goal–$30,000–seems daunting, it is actually attainable within our network, with the help of all our friends and collaborators–you. Please take the time to grab an extra ticket and spread the word. Raffle Deadline: Midnight December 11, 2014.*
*The original December 10th deadline was extended by 24 hours to December 11th because of an attack on our host the night prior that left our website down for 7 hours.