
CatComm Turns 20!

Thank you to all those who joined us in celebrating Catalytic Communities’ 20th Anniversary! It has been our privilege to have so many incredible people involved with [...]

Support CatComm in 2020

 As Catalytic Communities gets ready to celebrate 20 years, the demand for our work is soaring across Rio’s favelas. RioOnWatch.org reporting, Sustainable Favela [...]

Team Bios

Theresa Williamson, Ph.D. Founder & Executive Director Theresa Williamson is a city planner and founding executive director of Catalytic Communities. Theresa is [...]

CatComm Reporting Policy

Through RioOnWatch reporting and other media work, Catalytic Communities aims “to engender a more accurate picture of favelas, their contributions to the city, and the [...]

RioOnWatch Turns 8!

On this, our 8th birthday, we are setting out to make RioOnWatch financially sustainable by engaging the monthly support of fans like you. Read on to see [...]
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