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Previous Winner Testimonials

Read what our previous Rio Raffle winners had to say about their experience: 2015 – Rachel Handforth and Claudia Dolezal “I had such an amazing trip to Rio in [...]

Recruiting for the Raffle

As a network-based organization, our friends, collaborators, partners and supporters are the lifeblood of what we do. Proof of this is that between 30% and 60% of Raffle [...]

Tweet about the #RioRaffle

We would love for all our friends, collaborators and supporters to tweet about the #RioRaffle once a day from now through December 11th! Anyone buying a ticket is asked where [...]

Why We Should Call them Favelas

Rio’s favelas are some of the most written about, scrutinized, and studied low-income communities in the world. Yet in this constant, often well-meaning spotlight, favela [...]

World Cup Media Call to Action

Invitation & Resources for World Cup Journalists to #EndTheStigma June 11, 2014–With the World Cup spotlight comes a fantastic opportunity to set the record [...]

Favela News Digest Archives

Our regular RioOnWatch News Digest compiles, in one place, the latest news and opinion on Rio’s favelas from our community news site RioOnWatch, as well as what broader [...]

The Ladder of Citizen Participation

Current events in Rio have left many citizens upset and onlookers confused. The State’s Pacifying Police Unit (UPP) program was felt to have so much potential to [...]
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