Articles by Theresa Williamson

Evictions Resistance Techniques

Since November 2010 Catalytic Communities has been carefully documenting, tracking and following evictions patterns in favelas across the city. As a result, we have become [...]

Introduction to Gentrification

“Gentrificação” has become a hot word in contemporary Rio de Janeiro, introduced in 2011 to the common vernacular. Catalytic Communities was the first [...]

Community Planning

Since 2000 Catalytic Communities has worked closely with hundreds of leaders and residents from over 200 favelas across Rio, documenting and supporting the development of [...]

Pacifying Police Units (UPP)

State program established in 2008 by the Rio de Janeiro Public Security Secretariat to introduce “community policing” in favelas across the City of Rio and [...]

Growth Acceleration Program (PAC)

Federal program established in 2007 by President Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva and expanded under President Dilma Rousseff, providing large-scale infrastructure [...]

Minha Casa Minha Vida (MCMV)

Federal program established in 2009 by President Dilma Rousseff providing large-scale mass public housing nationwide, including over 66,000 units in Rio de Janeiro. [...]

Morar Carioca

City program established in 2010 run by the Rio de Janeiro Municipal Housing Secretariat to “upgrade all favelas in Rio by 2020,” building on historical [...]

Community-Based Sanitation

In July 2013 Catalytic Communities partnered with Solar Cities Solutions, a US-based NGO that has implemented community-based sanitation systems around the world, to bring [...]
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