Are you or students you know interested in gaining hands-on experience as a survey researcher? Catalytic Communities is seeking volunteer captains, surveyors and
A MASSIVE thanks to all who supported Catalytic Communities over the past year in our most important ever fundraising efforts! Your support and generosity have allowed us
December 21, 2015 — As 2015 draws to a close, we at Catalytic Communities would like to express our huge thanks to everyone who has made our work possible during this
Our annual Rio Raffle drawing will take place on Monday, January 4, 2016. Everyone who donated to or volunteered with CatComm in 2015 has at least one shot!
October 16–Every year CatComm participates in Blog Action Day, a global day of action among bloggers. RioOnWatch began as a collective blog, inspiring us to first
September 19, 2015–Wow! WE MADE IT!!! Thanks to 485 superstar donors we reached our goal and hit $50,080 last night, with donations on and off the Indiegogo platform.
Campaign Deadline: Midnight Tonight PST DONATE HERE Note: If you’ve already donated, you get an extra chance at a trip for two to Rio if you contribute another $12
August 5, 2015–Today marks exactly one year to go to the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. With this Catalytic Communities wants to be ready to support Rio’s
On August 5th, ‘One Year to Go’ to the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, RioOnWatch will host an open Q&A with two of the most vocal women advocating for a positive legacy from
As of June 19, 2015, RioONWire has been released as a public access feed. Check it out and spread the word!
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